The eyes of an asshole.

Hi, Name is Wrex and I am an asshole.

Still here? Good, this means your not a complete close minded idiot.
If your willing to hear this out, you just might learn a thing or two. I don't claim to be a know it all, however, I do know a thing or two about life.

Heres how this is going to go. Everything I am going to write is something I have experienced first hand.
There is a reason to why I am writing this and it is very, very simple: I wish someone would have told ME this.
So, if helps even one person: Great. If not: Hey, words cant hurt anyone right?

The way I will presenting this is very simple. Everything will be written in a form of a theory.
Why a theory you ask? Well, This is just experience. While  I do tend to write about things that people might agree with, but that hardly proves that it is fact, and I LIKE facts.

I will always try to relate facts to whatever I chose to write about at any given time. Please keep in mind that this is just personal opinion so comments are always welcomed but keep it constructive.